11:28 PST Thursday May 3, 2007 - Sea-Tac Airport
Ahhh... so close yet, so far. An hour before I can board my flight to Tokyo. Finally! There's a bunch of Japanese people here at the gate, naturally, and hearing them speak is making me even more excited about the trip. Hehehe... cute Japanese girls are around.
Huh, I just realized I'm still flying United. I was hoping to at least fly JAL on this last leg of the trip. Why? Two words: Japanese stewardresses. LOL.
I wonder who will be my seatmate. I hope it's a girl and I hope she's cute... and Japanese. If not, I may have lucked out again; my seat letter is A and I'm correct, that's an aisle seat.
40 minutes to go... I hope there are good movies on, or that I fall asleep again. How long is this flight again? TEN HOURS. Yay. I can't wait. Sucks that it's still another hour train ride from Narita to Tokyo, but it doesn't matter, I'll be in JAPAN!
Ahhh kawaiii! A gaggle of girls walked by. They caught my attention when one of them exclaimed, "Uso!" then the rest of them made really cute, girly noises. Haha...
Guh, I'm feeling sleepy again. Maybe that's a good thing.
Heh, or I can just listen to other people's conversations and see how much/little I can understand. (Got two girls sitting next to me... so yeah.)
1 comment:
Hope you're alive.
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